Marcel Hoffmann & Peto Coast @

About This Scene…

Date Released:  2016-10-27
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Scene Description:

We start at a Berlin underground club at a hip hop orgy. Peto is horny like hell at the concert and the music hammers and his urge to fuck is becoming gigantic. What one has to do? Quickly his own machine is unpacked and he jumps on stage to get a blow job. The crowd is cheering him on. Peto picks Marcel to join him on stage and his fuck rhyme samples the music rhythm. The watching crowd can't hold on to themselves seeing this action and start a gang bang on the floor.

We start at a Berlin underground club at a hip hop orgy. Peto is horny like hell at the concert and the music hammers and his urge to fuck is becoming gigantic. What one has to do? Quickly his own machine is unpacked and he jumps on stage to get a blow job. The crowd is cheering him on. Peto picks Marcel to join him on stage and his fuck rhyme samples the music rhythm. The watching crowd can?t hold on to themselves seeing this action and start a gang bang on the floor.

Die Hip-Hop-Orgie in einem Berliner Off-Club. Beim Konzert ist Peto einfach nur hei?. Und die Musik macht ihn zus?tzlich mordsm??ig geil. Was tun? Schnell holt der Kerl sein riesiges Ger?t aus der Hose, springt auf die B?hne und l?sst sich abblasen... die Hip-Hop-Crowd findet es geil. Da holt Peto das Geilloch Marcel on stage und fickt ihn im Takt. Angegeilt von dieser Dosis geilem Fuck-Hop steigt auch das restliche Publikum mit ein und rudelt sich den Bums.

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