Asian Daddy: DEMON SEED @

About This Scene…

Date Released:  2023-03-25
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Scene Description:

Oni are a kind of Demon in Japanese folklore. They are known for their brute strength and sexual power. They are feared and at the same time desired. Demon Seed is an interpretation of a permanent collaring ceremony. This is a story of a Mage, Damian Dragon, taking a risk to build a bond with the Demon, Kemono Dragon. The Mage summons the Demon, for his commitment, protection, power and most of all, to bear his offspring. Does the Demon believe the Mage's pledge of devotion and impregnate the Mage, or does the ceremony kill him?

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About This Scene…

Scene Description:

Oni are a kind of Demon in Japanese folklore. They are known for their brute strength and sexual power. They are feared and at the same time desired. Demon Seed is an interpretation of a permanent collaring ceremony. This is a story of a Mage, Damian Dragon, taking a risk to build a bond with the Demon, Kemono Dragon. The Mage summons the Demon, for his commitment, protection, power and most of all, to bear his offspring. Does the Demon believe the Mage's pledge of devotion and impregnate the Mage, or does the ceremony kill him?

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