Justin & Rick @

About This Scene…

Date Released:  2015-02-05
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Scene Description:

Justin sits naked with his laptop in his Berlin apartment as his always horny friend Rick comes in. The initial kissing transforms into a wild blowing session as Rick shows his friend the meaning of deepthroating. As he sucks on his shaft Justin only still wants one thing: to fuck. On the bed the move in all sorts of positions and Rick's tight hole gets fucked until Justin squirts cream in his face. At the end, he licks his own cum and kisses his friend so that he also gets load of his spunk.

Auf dem Bett wird in allen m?glichen Stellungen rumgesaut und Ricks enges Loch aufgefickt bis Justin ihm die Sahne ins Gesicht spritzt.

Zum Abschluss leckt er sein eigenes Sperma auf und knutscht seinen Freund damit auch er ne Ladung von seiner Sosse abkriegt.

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