Ben Armstrong Fan Page

Ben Armstrong is a total bottom who's done 9 porn scenes and had sex with 15 different people on video (that we know of).

Headshot of Ben Armstrong


These stats are based on the data we have available to us. Our database is constantly growing, so in most cases these numbers are underestimates – the real numbers are higher.

Latest Tube Videos…

Ben Punches Hole Into Oblivion
5:10, 26K views,
3 ratings, 👍 50%
Massive Dildo For Aiden
5:10, 151K views,
12 ratings, 👍 54%
Hot Jock's Turn On The Sling
5:10, 74K views,
23 ratings, 👍 74%
Aiden's Sling Gangfuck
5:10, 61K views,
23 ratings, 👍 7%
Ben Furiously Pounds Fist Absolute's Hole With His Fist
5:09, 54K views,
27 ratings, 👍 78%
Rough Punk Twink Fisting Duo
5:10, 195K views,
46 ratings, 👍 85%

Highest Rated Tube Videos…

Peto Asks For Intimate Fucking, Gets Orgy
1:04, 96K views,
29 ratings, 👍 83%
Leather Gangbang Slut
5:10, 80K views,
25 ratings, 👍 78%
Adien's Sling Fun Time
5:10, 50K views,
18 ratings, 👍 61%

Tell Us What You Think…

Overall, this pornstar is rated 100% positive from 7 ratings.
